Eternal life with JESUS is good in any season!
Well, hello there!
I'm back.
Whew! Let me catch my breath a moment. It sure is good to be back writing to you, dear friend.
Oh my.
What a whirlwind of glorious activity!
I trust that you have had a good summer. I pray that all has been well with you these last few weeks.
My summer has been busy with family, friends, vacation, work and a writers conference.
What a wonderful time of year and my, how very fast it flies by!
In Maryland we have four seasons.
Our summer and winter are not neatly packaged into six-month segments. I must admit, sometimes I feel a little bit cheated. Summer doesn't seem to last long enough.
It seems just when I've gotten into the swing of it; with a little tan on my legs and the tomato plant on our deck about to yield a few red tomatoes, I notice back-to-school advertisements.
Next, leaves begin to fall from the trees in our yard. When my husband cuts the grass I hear acorns hitting the mower blades and shooting out into the yard like bullets. It's a war zone out there. You have to wear a helmet and goggles just to get the mail.
Reflecting on our summertime activites I am reminded of my blessings. As I have been caught up in the flurry of activity of having my children about me, it has been hectic at times. But, I am thankful. I am cherishing those moments more these days because my children are stretching their wings. They are getting ready to fly. Today my daughter begins law school. Next week, my son enters his junior year in high school.
It's another season in my life also.
Yes, life is good, whatever the season.
But, with Jesus, eternal life is better.
Now, that's a season that will last forever and be assured we will not grow weary of it!
But, back to my children.
I ask myself- (and maybe you ask yourself these same questions)
Are they prepared for what the world will throw at them?
Have I done enough?
I hope so, for now I must move aside and totally lean on what I know of my Lord.
With trembling, I hope and pray that they will remember what they have learned about Jesus and His love for them. That in times of fear, need, or joy they will recall the verses that were hidden in their hearts for Sunday School to receive a gold star.
My heart is warmed with the memory of my son reciting one of his many verses back to me.
A soft answer turns away rats, but a harsh word stirs them up. Proverbs 15:1
Therefore, if any man be in Christ he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, new things have come. Second Caribbeans 5:17.
Caribbeans instead of Corinthians.
But, the Word was hidden in his heart. The seed was planted. God knew his heart and I'm sure He smiled also. He was holding him then and He holds him today.
We were amazed at my daughter's ability when she was five, to memorize practically her whole little Children's Bible and repeat the stories verbatim. Those words are in her heart. God has promised that His word will not return void. I'm believing Him for that. He will hold her. Even she can not take herself out of His hand.
Are you concerned for your children, dear one? Have you been hurt or disappointed by their wandering? Or are they walking with the Lord, but maybe you are still fearful. What if He requires too much of them or takes them too far away?
Rest in His love that exceeds anything we could ever imagine. His love for them is boundless and His purposes are only known by Him. But, He is good, so His purposes are good. He has great plans for their lives both here and in Heaven.
His plans include us too, with, or without children in our home.
We must rest in what we know to be true.
He is love.
He is patient.
He is kind.
He is forgiving.
He is faithful.
He is perfect.
His plan is perfect.
I pray that my children will not stray too far away from the fold and the shepherd. I desperately pray the verses that I have memorized with my children in mind.
Isaiah 65:23- For they shall not labor in vain, Or bear children for calamity; For they are the offspring of those blessed by the Lord. And their descendants with them.
III John vs 4- I have no greater joy that to hear of my children walking in the Lord.
Lamentations-2:19 Pour your heart out like water before the presence of the Lord; Lift up your hands to Him for the life of your little ones.
Isaiah 30:21-And your ears will hear a word behind you, This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right or to the left.
Praise God!
He is always there. He never sleeps or turns away. Whatever season we are in, His plans for us (His children) and our children (His, too) are perfect.
I hope and pray that you will enjoy your day.
Cherish the season that you are in.
Rest in the awesome hand of God, for He is good.
I've got to run for now and find an umbrella.
I think it's raining acorns!
(c) 2011 Bonnie Mae Evans