We had hot bowls of delicious chili made with my secret ingredients and chicken cheese quesadillas. We were all in agreement for once-all on the same page.
We all wanted the Ravens to win.
Right now I'm limited to phrases like, "Run! Run Ray run! Run faster Ray! Yay Ray!" That's been working pretty good so far. But, I want to expand.
One thing I really do enjoy is when the ref runs out onto the field and tells his story about who pushed who and who was being unsportsmanlike.
(Shame on you bad boys!)
And then of course, he doles out the necessary consequences for the bad behavior.
I love watching his face when he's all wrapped up in telling the story and pointing this way and that. I can almost see him when he was a little kid.
Can you see him now? He's the one that always raised his hand real high in the air, waving it around, holding it up with the other hand, trying desperately to get the teacher's attention to give her the very important information that Tommy is chewing bubble gum or Susie is picking her nose.
The point is that he is great at what he does. Practice really does make perfect. He makes good decisions and he makes them in a split second. (At least on Sunday he made all the right decisions.)
Another thing that I took special note of is all of the colored flags that are thrown down in the grass--excuse me, I mean, turf.
That caused me to ponder.
What if, whenever we saw a need or someone that could use some prayer we threw down a prayer flag. Different colors representing various prayer needs.
The next Christian that came along would see the flag and immediately be alerted that here is someone who needs to be prayed over. I mean, there are hurting and desperate people all around us every day, everywhere we go. So many times as I'm driving along there in the median is a person with a sign "Homeless, please help." PRAYER FLAG!
Some of them are so dejected that they have given up on signs and just stand there looking so very sad and lost. My heart breaks for them. What can I do? There are so many of them. I ask myself. The answer is pray.
Pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians 5:17
Without ceasing? That's a tall order. It is, but the more you look around the more you realize that prayer is just what is so desperately needed today.
Whoops....PRAYER FLAG!
A line stretching around a building where there is an employment sign posted, a line of weary, precious people. There are so many problems with no quick answers but in the meantime we can love on these poor souls a little without them having an inkling. They may never know on this earth but God knows . . . and you'll know.
When we pray for others as the Bible commands us to do we are rewarded with that special closeness to God. He inclines His ear to us. (Isaiah 37:17)
We begin to have more of a heart like His. Prayer is a resource that is instantaneously available, access immediately to the throne of God! How amazing is that? What an incredible gift for us, the pray-ers and for them, the pray-ees.
The great thing is no pride can get in the way. We're not going to win a Noble Peace Prize for praying for strangers because no one will ever know except God our Father in Heaven and He will be pleased. His word tells us to. We are being obedient to His word. His reward will far exceed even the Nobel!
Pray for one another. James 5:16
It doesn't say only your family and friends.
Praying for them is one of the very best things I can do. I also smile-look them in the eye--a smile that says I care, I see you. So many times they are even stripped of the dignity of eye contact because we are so uncomfortable.
There is a barely clad woman standing on the street corner of a city block well known for its activites. PRAYER FLAG!
The Lord has heard my supplications. The Lord will receive my prayer. Psalm 6:9
An ambulance goes screaming past my car with lights flashing frantically. Someone is in need. PRAYER FLAG!
We will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. Acts 6:4
School children going into school this morning being confronted with who knows what. PRAYER FLAG! God knows. He wants us to care enough to pray. We're praying for the future.
Pray for God's hedge of protection around them.
One-legged war veterans, drug addicts, frightened teen-age girl walking into an abortion clinic, the elderly, broken and hurting people everywhere you turn.
Of course, in reality we can't walk around throwing prayer flags in front of people. I'm sure we would get a citation for something akin to littering. But, you get my point. There is something we can do in every situation. Something that matters.
We can be prayers warriors for the helpless and hopeless.
So, okay brothers and sisters out there, get those mental prayer flags ready. Keep them handy, so at a moment's notice you can throw them out.
You don't have to be on your knees in front of an altar. Just bow your hearts before the Lord wherever you may be, in intercession for others.
...His ears are open to their prayers. I Peter 3:12
Feel the joy that being in constant communion with the Father brings.
Then you will call upon me, and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12
Feel His smile warm your heart.
Dear Loving Father,
I pray for each one reading this blog. You know every one of them, dear Lord. I'm bringing them before Your throne. Whatever their particular need is, whether it is physical, emotional, social, spiritual or mental, I know that You alone, Oh Lord are more than able to help them, to lift them up and most of all to redeem them and light their way to Heaven. Thank You for each one of them and I pray that they will feel Your love, Your Joy and Your Peace and comfort today.
In Jesus' precious name I pray.
For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand,
Who says to you,"Do not fear, I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
(c) 2011 Bonnie Mae Evans