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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hi there, friend! Welcome back.

Okay to start off with today just to get you in the right frame of mind, take a moment and think back to the seventies. Let's don the tie-dye and love beads of our memories and meander down Memory Lane for a few moments.

Remember the song, "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas? Great! Now hum a few lines of it with me,

I close my eyes only for a moment and the moment's gone.
All my dreams pass before my eyes a curiosity.
Dust in the wind.
All they are is dust in the wind.

Hum-mmm-Hum-mmmm. And then the chorus,

Dust in the wind.
All we are is dust in the wind.
Everything is dust in the wind.

Great song, isn't it? Did it take you back for a few minutes to where you were during that time? It took me back to the smell of Coppertone, a great beach and a tan, much thinner bod. Sigh.

Oh well, so I'm standing here dust cloth in hand, looking at the layer of dust covering the top of my dresser. Sticking my finger in it I draw a smiley face to check the depth. Just as I thought, it's pretty thick. While debating whether to get out the heavy artillary; you know, the mask, goggles, and fuzzy vacuum attachment, I glimpse something of a wee faint sparkle. Could this be something cosmic or celestial? Perhaps I should leave it undisturbed. I consider the possibilites; pixie dust, star dust, diamond dust. None of which seems very likely.

Mulling over creative ideas for dealing with my dust collection that would lend itself to never having to dust again I come up with the following:

Dust Art. I could draw a few designs in it accompanied by some clever phrases. You never know. It might catch on, as women all over the world discover their hidden talents. I try out the title- Dust Artist. Interesting.

Or, how about a -

Dust garden. I could sprinkle a few marigold seeds around, mist gently, and wait for a dresser-top flower garden to spring forth. It would be lovely to wake up to each morning. I sneeze. It causes a little puff of dust to blow up into the air.

Perhaps a-

Dust village. I could draw ambling little streets and place tiny houses, trees and cars on either side, sort of like the train gardens we see at Christmas time. People could file by, in wonder, behind red velvet ropes, so as not to disturb it. But, I'm not so sure I really want all those people walking through my bedroom.

Then, the words of my sixth grade science teacher revisit me, Matter can never be created or destroyed.

Genesis 2:7 runs through my mind giving a whole new perspective to my thoughts on dust.

Then the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.

In that case, this very dust could be a direct connection to the original dust we were created from by the awesome hand of God, the same dust these bodies will one day return to.

There might actually be particles of the hay that lay in the manger the night Jesus was born, or a fleck of stone from the temple where He preached, maybe a tiny speck from a palm branch that was joyfully waved during His triumphal entry into Jerusalem or a molecule of dust from the cross that He died on, possibly a smidge of salt from the tears that Mary cried.

Pausing a moment longer to ponder these thoughts, and my connection to all that has gone before, I am now feeling sentimental and in awe of my dust. It begins to feel like holy dust. I sneeze a second time and realize I can't continue to collect it. It has served its purpose for today.

Thank you, Lord, for dust that has drawn my thoughts once again to You

Ever so slowly, reverently, carefully, I swipe it away, one stroke at a time revealing the shiny gleaming wood underneath. Shining and new like our Heavenly bodies will be.

Another verse comes to my mind. Psalm 103:14.
He knows our frame. He knows that we are but dust.
There is so much comfort in that verse. God knows. He knows how much we can bear and He loves us and cares for us. He knows that when these bodies return to the dust He will give us new Heavenly bodies; that will never grow old, or die, or fall prey to sickness, disease or injury. Glorious bodies that we will spend eternity in with Him by our side.

Do you know the assurance of that wonderful promise, dear one?   Do you fall asleep at night resting in the peace that comes from the knowledge that when your body crumbles back into the dust, you will already be enjoying your new immortal body in Heaven. If you do, then Praise God! If you aren't quite positive then you too can be sure before you lay your head down tonight.

It's very simple really. All you have to do is pray this prayer asking the Lord to save you.

Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus died for me, to pay my sin debt, and the best I know how, I trust Him now as my Savior. From this moment on, I will depend on Him for my salvation. Amen. 

The basis of this prayer can be found in the following scripture verses. I encourage you to look them up for yourself. They can all be found in the book of Romans.

Who is good?        Romans 3:10
Who has sinned?         "  3:23
Where sin came from  "   5:12
God's price on sin       "   6:23
Our way out                 "   5:8, 10:9, 10:13

Well, the job is finished. My dresser is gleaming, dust-free. It looks wonderful.
I look down sentimentally at the dust cloth in my hand, full of dust. Maybe I'll just tuck it away in a ziploc bag and save it for awhile.

God bless your day. I hope you enjoy every minute of it.
Dance in the dust!
Praise God!
Celebrate who you are, you beautiful, marvelous dust, you!

(c) 2011 Bonnie Mae Evans

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Website Problems and Praises

Hello everyone,

Late last evening as I was about to add a new post to my blog, I was dismayed to discover that all of my followers had disappeared. Each and everyone of you are very important to me, so I spent the next couple of hours trying to find out how to fix the problem. What I found out is that this has been an ongoing problem. Some bloggers reported having their followers disappear only to have them reappear days or weeks later. There doesn't seem to be a way to fix it. I have reported the problem, but since blogspot sponsored by Google doesn't have live help I haven't gotten an answer.

There are also unresolved issues with leaving comments as many of you have shared with me your "adventures" in trying to leave one.
Some bloggers have even reported having their entire blog or entries in it disappear. I would really hate for that to happen, therefore, I am checking out other sites and may attempt to move my blog. I will keep you posted on this and put the new address up here should that happen. Until then, visit me here and I apologize for the inconvenience.

I'll chalk it up to Satan trying to discourage me from sharing the Lord's love and message with you. I know there's a devotion/blog in here somewhere. I will work on it and meet you back here for what the Lord gives me to share with you!

In the meantime, I hope to post the blog that I actually started to post last evening when this happened. Sooo, check back later for that one entitled, "Dust."

Hang in there dear one, and remember the words of Paul with regard to perserverance.

And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perserverance and perserverance, proven character, and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.  Romans 5:3-5

So, there you have it, my friend, when you're serving the Lord in whatever capacity, don't let Satan get in the way. Don't allow him to discourage you. Push through. Perservere. Never give up!

But, most of all pray. Immediately, tell God all about it. Seek His will and His way in the situation. Then; now this is the most important...a little drumroll please, PRAISE THE LORD!!! 

Over and over again the Bible says to Praise Him. Satan can't stand in the presence of Praise to the Lord. He will flee. So, today I lift my praises to my precious Lord and Savior. I praise Him for the ability and opportunity to share with you! I praise Him for each of you. I praise Him because His very being is worthy of Praise! He is the Great I AM, the Alpha and Omega, Savior, Friend, One and Only True God, The Way, The Truth, The Light, Holiest of Holies, Jesus the Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Son of Man, Lamb of God, Deliverer, the Almighty, Creator, Wonderful, Counselor, Shepherd, Prince of Peace, King of Kings and on and on! Praise You Dear Jesus!! Amen!

Wow, that felt great! What about you dear friend? How did praising all of those names feel? It feels wonderful to me to have the air around me cleared of what is not of God.

Apparently, what the Lord had for me to share with you today couldn't wait. So, there you have it.

Lean on Him.

Pray without ceasing about everything that concerns you.

Praise Him in every circumstance!

Then, wait on Him and see what wonderful things He will do!

Wait on the Lord. Be still and KNOW that I am God. Psalm 46:10

I thank the Lord for each one of you. I am so blest and honored that you would want read what I write. I pray that it blesses and enriches your life in the Lord Jesus!

God bless your day and the rest of your week-end with His love, His guidance, and His Peace.

(c) 2011 Bonnie M. Evans

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lessons from a Spider

Good morning!

I am so happy that you have decided to join me here today, dear friend.Whoops! That would have been a big mistake! I just left out the "r" in friend. That would have read, "dear fiend." How funny, I'm glad we can laugh together first thing.

Welcome. I have some special thoughts to share with you today about how very special and important we are to our Father God.

Early Sunday morning I slipped out onto my back porch for a few minutes of quiet time before I had to get ready for church. A faint breeze tinkled the windchimes hanging there. Turning to watch their gentle movement, I noticed the most delicate of spider webs intricately woven down the center string going all the way to the daisy wind catcher hanging below. The web carefully laced the edges of each petal. It was exquisite!

 I was amazed at its perfection and was soon taken up with thoughts of the creative, little spider who had spun it. Oh, how I would love to meet this special spider who dared to vary the usual web pattern and follow the shape of a daisy. I pictured her like E.B.White's Charlotte, thinking clever thoughts while spinning a work of art to deliver a special message just for me.

Yes, Lord, I would love to meet this dear spider, I thought.

Sitting down at the table, I opened my devotion book and read the scripture verse. Contemplating its meaning, I looked up from my book listening to the birds joyfully singing their morning songs. It was a pleasant morning indeed.

Suddenly, my eyes focused on something on the chair across from me. What was that? As I leaned closer I saw that it was a spider, the spikey-looking, jumpy kind. It was sitting there perfectly still taking me in with all eight of its tiny eyes. Now, I'm not in the least bit arachnophobic, but it did  have the look of one that shouldn't be on the porch.

 Sooo, I quickly got the "bug box" that our family has used for years to relocate probably thousands of insects and the occasional mouse. I expertly scooped it up and clamped the lid on for transport to the deck outside. At once, out in the bright sunshine I lifted the lid and dumped it onto the rail of the deck and watched as it instantly lowered itself, suspended by an almost invisible thread.

As soon as my foot landed inside the porch, it hit me. I quickly turned back to find the spider, but it had already disappeared. Only moments before I had been all wrapped up in the wonder of an unknown spider who spun such a unique web. My words echoed back to me, I would love to meet that spider."

As I lowered myself into the chair, I felt sad at an opportunity lost. It had  to be the same spider. What were the chances that seconds after I had whispered a desire to see a certain spider one would appear directly in my line of vision. God had heard and answered, what was not exactly a prayer but a small desire to marvel at one of His creatures.

He knew my thoughts from afar as it says in the Bible in Psalm 139 vs 2.

He had listened, as He always does.

He cared, as only He can.

He answered, as only He could.

My smallest thoughts were important to Him. Important enough for Him to provide the answer. What had gone wrong?  Why didn't I recognize His answer?

Quite simply, I didn't recognize the answer that was literally staring me in the face because it was not what I expected or maybe what I wanted to see.
I had pictured a plump, little innocent-looking spider and what I saw instead was a creepy, scary-looking one. Therefore, I rejected it.

Then, there's the possibility that I wasn't looking for an answer, because I underestimated how much I mean to Him. I didn't realize that a request so small and seemingly unimportant could evoke a response from the Almighty.

There are other times when I'm sure I overlook God's answers; hence His blessings because I am fearful or don't like being drawn out of my comfort zone.

How about you? Do you sometimes pray but don't really expect an answer.

Do you sometimes feel that your request is too small, too unimportant to bother the Almighty Father God, Creator of the Universe?

Sometimes do you pray, but put conditions on the answer because you are fearful of what might be required of you?

Well, welcome to the frailty of the human race, dear one. We all sometimes pray unbelieving, feeling unworthy of His attention, feeling afraid of failing.

But, guess what? Rejoice with me! God has the perfect answers to all of those doubts and He shared them with me this morning in the unlikely form of a small gray spider.
Praise Him! Halleleujah!

Pray expecting Him to answer. Look for it. Believe.

You are of the upmost importance to Him.
(After all, He did send His precious Son, Jesus to die in your place so that you could spend eternity with Him.)

And last, if He trusts you with an answer to a prayer, He will provide the strength and ablity to follow through...whatever it is.

So go now. Enjoy your day. Look for God's answers to prayers all around you.
He really does hear and answer prayer in the most unique ways. He meets us right where we are.

Thank you most gracious Lord, my Father.

(c) 2011 Bonnie M. Evans

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Heart Pains

Barely past the crack of dawn I stood in my driveway. It had rained during the night so there was a foggy haze hanging in the woods. Raindrops were still dripping from the leaves hanging overhead. That moist, mossy aroma that I love surrounded me. Normally, this would have been the beginning of a lovely morning.

 Instead, suddenly, a pain in my chest gripped me. It was accompanied by anxiety and a feeling of wanting to go back in time. It was the second such pain in the past four days. Feeling myself sway a little, I turned to go into the house; this time breathing in the acrid smell of car exhaust. Pausing, I gazed down the driveway.



As I prayed, the Lord's peace settled down on me and surrounded me like the fog of fear and worry had only moments earlier. But, my chest still ached a little.

Okay, by now you must be thinking, Why aren't you calling 911? Chest pains are nothing to play with?   Well, of course I couldn't agree with you more. But, you see this was a "mother's heart pain." Have you ever experienced what I'm talking about, dear friend?

At those hallmark moments in your children's lives, when they are taking those exciting but terrifying steps out into this big, scary world. Their faces are so bright and happy. They're ready to go, can't wait as a matter of fact. As we stand there cheering them on, we slap on the "mother's mask" you know the one I'm sure. The one with the big reassuring, proud-of-you smile. The one that covers the my-heart-strings-are-being-stretched-and-it-hurts face. Trying not to let them see our pain, telling ourselves; This is great. This is what we've been working towards ever since we held they're little hands while they took their first steps. We've been preparing them to step out, into their own lives, to grow up and be independent. But, wait! Independent...of me? 

Stop! Come back! Don't go, as I run down the driveway (Only mentally, of course, I do have a little bit of self-control.) My precious baby boy; now six feet and four inches tall, just drove his truck out of the driveway and up the hill. He's driving himself to school for the very first time.

I mentioned experiencing the same heart pains four days earlier. Yes, they ripped at my chest as I sat in the midst of an ocean of other proud moms and dads during Vanderbilt University's commencement ceremonies. My other precious baby, my daughter, was graduating college; soon to be going on to law school. How would I survive these heart pains?  Oh, I'll call 911 alright, on my knees looking straight up to Heaven.

Help me, dearest Lord, this mother's heart you gave me is aching. It's going places right along with my children. Places I can't go. So, I stand here feeling like my heart is walking down the aisle with that diploma. My heart is driving away in that truck. My heart is yours Lord. Thank you for the blessing of knowing that while I can't go everywhere they go, You can. After all, now I remember, they really belong to you. They are just on loan to me. Thank You for reminding me once again.

Pour your heart out like water before the presence of the Lord;
Lift up your hands to Him for the life of your little ones. Lamentations 2:19 NAS

Pray this for your children.

And your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right or to the left. Isaiah 30:21 NAS

And for you, dear one, if you are feeling in the need of peace throughout any stage of your life. Whether you have children or you don't. Wherever you are in your journey. Perhaps you're at the stage where you are feeling your heartstrings stretched toward Heaven, as you have had to say farewell to a loved one who has gone on to be with Jesus. Whatever your particular "heart pain," Jesus knows. He cares.  His word provides comfort. Meditate on this.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:6-7

I love you, dear friend. Hang in there. Remember, although we don't know what tomorrow holds, we know who holds tomorrow.

(c) Bonnie M. Evans 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Trees I Have Known and Loved

Turning into my driveway this evening I was awed at the beauty of the trees surrounding me. The dogwood's white flowers and umbrella magnolia's dinner-plate size creamy, yellow blooms against the deep green backdrop were absolutely spectacular! As so many times before, I paused and gazed up at them, putting my window down to breathe in the air freshly oxygenated by their remarkable ability to photosynthesize.

 After a few moments I continued up the driveway. In the front yard of my house a Pawley's Island hammock is hanging between two magnificent oaks. It sags a little in the middle, waiting for one of us to return to its soothing and be refreshed. One of my favorite activities; or maybe it would be more correctly called one of my favorite inactivities, is to lie in that hammock and contemplate the beauty of the leaves against a clear azure sky or sometimes to wrangle out the next chapter of a book. If you walk around to the back of my house you'll find a bench hidden in my "prayer garden" and you guessed it- surrounded by more trees.

I absolutely love trees; their strength, their beauty, their quiet, their patience as they just stand there in one place all of their lives content in being what they were called into existance to be. Oh, the lessons we could learn from a tree.

When we moved here from our home of sixteen years it was very hard to leave behind the sugar maple in the backyard where our children had spent so many happy hours swinging. On the side of the house was a mimosa that was believed by my children to be the best "climbing" tree in the whole world. We have many pictures with our children  and their friends sitting in the crook if its boughs smiling. When it bloomed each year in July I was convinced I was getting a whiff of Heaven. How could I leave this tree behind? It had become like part of the family.

To ease the ache of leaving, I planted several seedlings from "Mama Mimosa" for our new home. Shortly after we moved while contemplating where we should plant them my husband looked up at the forest surrounding our new home and said, "Yep, that's just what we need here a few more trees." You see, he likes trees, but he doesn't understand them the way I do.

Someone once asked me if I was a druid.
I had to stop and explain, while druidry holds some intriguing ideas; lovely thoughts of simplicity blended with sunrises, love and compassion mingled with hugging trees and the sound of trickling water, there was one imperative difference. To my understanding, druidry is spirituality based on nature. My love of trees and all of nature is rooted in the God that created them. The one and only Father God and He was NOT married to Mother Earth. He created earth, along with all of nature and animals, and yes, most importantly, in His own image-us.

Yes, I do love trees. But, maybe it's the way they stretch out toward Heaven. Maybe it's because when I look at them I see His creation, not something wrought from human hands. Maybe it's because the Bible speaks often about trees and how they and all of nature will rejoice at His coming recognizing that He is their creator, the Creator of the entire universe and everything in it. The Bible says the trees will clap!(Isaiah 55:12)  I am fascinated with the knowledge of how everything He made will glorify Him, not just the living things but all creation; the mountains, hills, and rocks will all call out with shouts of praise. ( Luke 19:40) Where will they get those hands to clap and those mouths to shout? You guessed it. The God that created them from nothing will see to that. What an incredible day that will be!

So, run outside and find a tree. Go ahead. Don't be shy.  Give it a big hug.  A great big hug of thank you for the God of All who created it!

(c) 2011 Bonnie M. Evans

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Prayers and Tears

Good Morning.
I’m so glad that you’re visiting with me again. I apologize if you have tried to leave comments and been unable to. I would love to hear from you. There seems to be a problem with the comment setting. This morning I have attempted to correct that. So, hopefully it will work.
Early this morning I knelt in my special place to spend time with Jesus. As I gazed up at the sky through the trees, I wondered. Why do I always look skyward when I begin my prayers? Why do I feel as though I’m closer looking toward Heaven. I know He is everywhere. I know He is right here beside me.
What if I was surrounded by brick walls so tall that I couldn’t see above them? I guess I would still start out by lifting my praises in the direction of the sky. That’s how I like to begin my prayer time. I say begin because there are times when I start out that way but the nature and urgency of my prayers soon drive me down on my face before my Lord.
Have you ever had those times, dear friend? Times when your need is so great; your fear is so deep, your burden is too heavy, your disappointment cuts like a knife or maybe your physical pain is too much too bear. Those times when you pray those desperate wrenched-from-the-heart prayers—crying out to God, pleading with Him to intervene in your life or the life of someone you love. Those are very precious times of prayer, however painful. They are the times that we recognize that He alone is sufficient to meet that particular need. He is sovereign. He is the Great I AM! We “get down” with Him and get real about our total dependence on Him. We see Him for who He really is.
 During some of these occasions, I have felt the closeness of God. I could almost feel His breath on the back of my neck. I have felt Him drawing nearer to me; inclining His ear to me. He knows our pain. The Bible says He collects our tears in a bottle. Psalm 56:8.
In particular times of distress I have felt Jesus place His arm around my shoulders or gently on my back.  But, before you are ready to commit me—I can tell you with certainty that the presence of that touch ABSOLUTELY defined comfort and peace. John 14:27 kind of peace—His peace— not as the world defines peace.
My prayer is that you know that closeness with our Lord and Savior. There is nothing like it this side of Heaven.
Now back to the subject of tears-
We know He collects our sad tears. But, did you ever wonder about our happy tears? You know, those bent-over-double-laughing tears. Those embarrassing can’t-get-my-upper-lip-off-my-gums tears.  I’m ashamed to say, thanks to my son; I’ll blame it on him, some of those times have been in church. Oh well, it’s true. Like the time we were apparently out of the “bread” for communion and broken-up Ritz crackers were passed to us on the plate. (Why not just use Goldfish crackers since we're getting creative?) Anyhow, point made- now tell me that wouldn’t make you at least smile.
Well, I believe He collects the happy tears also. He loves our joy and I just know He loves to hear our laughter. (I’m not sure about during communion, but I’ve already prayed about that one.) And guess what— I’m forgiven, if it was ever really counted as a sin.
I can picture Him swishing the happy tears around with the sad tears as if to balance out the good and bad times down here on earth. I can almost hear Him whispering, “Just wait precious one, in Heaven there is only joy- no more tears. Just wait and see.”
© Bonnie M. Evans 2011