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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tweet! Tweet!

Hello dear friends.

No this is not my Easter entry.
That is still in the drafting stages but should be up soon.
I have an incredible story of the delay and God's goodness to share with you soon.
This was my most frightening and humbling Easter Sunday ever.

Remember, God never leaves us or forsakes us. When we are in desperate circumstances He is right there in the very breath we breathe. Closer than the air that surrounds us. Tasting the salt of our tears.
Once again, I have seen that He is sufficient to meet all our needs as you will hear soon.

Praise Him! ALL of the glory belongs to Him!

Now about this tweet business,

Not quite a miracle, but almost . . . I am entering the world of social media one tiny step at a time. Sound a bit reminiscent of the first moon walk?  To me it seems right up there. I am so technologically challenged I can hardly spell it! Since we got a new television I have a hard time turning it on. Why in the world should I have to press three buttons to turn on one tv???

The good thing is I don't have to press any buttons to open my Bible.
Maybe it's a God thing after all.

Through tweeting I am hoping to make it easier for you to find and communicate with me. I would dearly love to touch base with each one of you and share God's blessings with you precious friends.

Also, I am assured by everyone in the book world this is what I must do once my book is published. So, I thought I would get a head start.

Oh, did I tell you that I had written a Christian novel?
Well, I have. It was completed in October of 2010. Since then I have drafted once and then twice and I have written, rewritten, edited and critiqued. It's a very long, laborious process. But, it really is a labor of love.

So, here I am to let you know that I have set up a twitter account. I would love to have you follow me and receive tweets from you.

It's easy.
Just click on the Twitter button "t" below any blog entry.

I'm excited . . . so come on let's jump in together. If I can do it, you can do it! Let's see where the Lord leads us!

God bless each of you with His joy in the days to come.

Oh, I almost forgot ( I'm smacking my forehead right now.) Here's my twitter name-


Nothing fancy, Just me.

Hope to see you there.

P.S.- Easter blog coming soon, I promise.

(c) 2012 Bonnie Mae Evans

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